Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Water Quality Management Issues In DEWA Company Environmental Sciences Essay
Water Quality Management Issues In DEWA Company Environmental Sciences Essay This paper will discuss water quality management issues in a Dubai company called DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority). This is a governmental organization that is in charge of producing and distributing water and electricity to the whole of the Dubai population. Water quality issues were among the concerns of the third UNEP report on the environment. Gordon (1998:1) notes, The Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-3 report) identified a wide spectrum of existing and emerging water issues that need to be addressed if the world is to achieve sustainable development. One of the general issues in water management is the threat of depletion of groundwater due to the rising demands for land for agriculture and for building urban centres. Majority of communities living near water catchment areas such as forests are depleting rather than preserving them. Hydro-development and geothermal projects are another threat to abundance of water sources and the quality of water because they divert it to uses such as irrigation and generation of electricity. Another concern is the threat to quality of water due to pollution by fertilizers, pesticides and factory chemical emissions. Poor quality of water has a negative effect on human, animal and plant populations, and can occur due to natural or artificial factors. One cause of problems in the quality of water is natural chemicals in the air and ground that enter into contact with water sources and pollute them. Another factor, which is also the largest contributor to poor water quality, is human use of chemicals that pollute water bodies in activities such as farming and industrial production. Sources of water pollution can be fixed, such as manufacturing plants, or mobile, for example, farming activities. The first category has pollutants that are very strong while those of the latter group are mild but are extensive in area of coverage. Moreover, it is easier to estimate and alleviate pollution from the first category than the second because the latter affect a wider region. As Ongley (1999:5) observes, Water quality degradation can pose serious threats to public health, agricultural and industrial production, ecological functions, and biodiversity. Water quality problems can arise from high concentration of naturally occurring elements such as arsenic, fluoride, or selenium. But most water quality problems are caused by the discharge of pollutants from human activities. Pollution sources include point sources-specific points of discharge of high-pollutant concentration-and nonpoint sources-low-concentration sources covering a large area. Point source discharges from sewers, wastewater treatment plants, and factories are visible and can be chemically characterized relatively easily. However, substantial loads of pollutants can also enter water bodies from nonpoint sources, such as fertilizer use for agriculture. In the case of the DEWA Company, poor quality of water is likely to result from emissions from point sources rather than nonpoint ones because the firm undertakes the supply of water to the nation. Consequently, the company has facilities set up to clean water before pumping it to consumers. For example, in 2010 the company set up a facility at Jebel Ali to purify water from salty substances. The chemicals used to desalinate the water and purify it may be a threat to its quality. Another possible threat to the quality of water that the firm supplies is likely to be poor hygiene of the storage tanks, distribution pumps and pipes. If management does not ensure that these facilities are clean, contamination of water is likely to occur. If the storage tanks are left bare, contamination of the water contained therein is likely to occur. Moreover, the residue of chemical substances, especially chlorine, used to clean these facilities is likely to pollute the water when in storage or during distribution. In addition, the company can cause pollution of external water masses through emissions from its water treatment facility. At the same time, since it supplies electricity to consumers, generation of this source of energy can cause gas emissions that pollute not only the air but also the water masses nearby. The World Health Organization has set maximum levels for chemicals present in water, especially for human consumption. World Health Organization (1958: 9) Water intended for human consumption must be free from chemical substances and micro-organisms in amounts which would provide a hazard to health is universally accepted. Supplies of drinking-water should not only be safe and free from dangers to health, but should also be as aesthetically attractive as possible. Absence of turbidity, color and disagreeable or detectable tastes and odors is important in water-supplies intended for domestic use. Fluoride levels should not be lower than 0.5 mg/l as this will contribute to dental decay in the population, especially in children. Nitrates, on the other hand, should not exceed 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l. If bacterial organisms of the coliform type are present, this means that the water has faecal contamination and therefore is not fit for human consumption. Moreover, the water should be free of any taste and smell. The table below presents the acceptable levels in drinking water for other chemical substances. World Health Organization (1958:29) Chemicals affecting portability of water Total solids 500 mg/l 1500 mg/I Colour 5 units 50 units Turbidity 5 units 25 units Taste Unobjectionable Oduor Unobjectionable Iron (Fe) 0.3 mg/l 1.0 mg/l Manganese (Mn) 0.1 mg/l 0.5 mg/l Copper (Cu) 1.0 mg/l l.5 mg/l Zinc (Zn) 5.0 mg/l 15 mg/l Calcium (Ca) 75 mg/l 200 mg/l Magnesium (Mg) 50 mg/l 150 mg/l Sulfate (SO) 200 mg/l 400 mg/l Chloride (Cl) 200 mg/l 600 mg/l pH range 7.0-8.5 à ¢Ã¢â¬ °Ã ¤6.5 or à ¢Ã¢â¬ °Ã ¥ 9.2 Magnesium + sodium sulfate 500 mg/l 1000 mg/l Phenolic substances (as phenol) 0.001 mg/l 0.002 mg/l Burke (2002:1) notes that the main aim of monitoring the quality of water is to ensure its clean and safe supply. Some of the variables to check in order to get an indication of water quality include temperature of the water, alkalinity and acidity, density, amount of salt, gas levels such as oxygen and nitrogen, chemical substances such as nitrate and phosphorous and micro-organisms such as protozoa, among others. One may therefore carry out the process from a physical, chemical or biological perspective or use all of these angles of analysis. However, this process also involves checking the hygiene levels of water bodies in use by many stakeholders and those that offer a habitat for animal and plant populations. Since water is one of the resources in the natural environment, it is susceptible to effects from manufacturing plants that utilize natural resources. These include geothermal plants, quarries where mining takes place and the timber industry that makes use of wood from forests. Monitoring the quality of water therefore involves assessing the impact of such industries on water, water bodies and catchment areas. Another reason for monitoring the quality of water is to check whether a particular type of water mass meets the standards set for it. The standards depend on the use of the water body. These include for water for drinking purposes, leisure, fishing, habitat for wildlife, farming and industrial use. She adds that there exist three main ways of monitoring the quality of water. Burke (2010:1) mentions discrete, mechanical, and automated methods. In the first instance, which is the old way of monitoring water quality, one measures a single aspect. This is done either in the field or in a laboratory. This method is tiring and time-consuming. At the same time, it is subject to the operators bias and judgment when collecting the samples as well as when doing the analysis in a laboratory. The second method involves leaving bottles in a water mass for some time to collect water then taking these to a laboratory. This method reduces the manual effort and time spent collecting samples of water. However, it is subject to bias from laboratory analyses and at the same time, leads to loss of time spent waiting for the bottles to collect water. The third method makes use of devices that will sense the aspect of water quality being tested and these in turn store the information. This method is fast and likely to yield more reliable results than the other two as it does not rely on the subjective judgment of the analyst in a laboratory setup. In the monitoring of water quality, screening methods have become more common than other techniques. This is because they are fast and easy to use due to their advanced technology. Gonzalez, Greenwood, Quevauviller (2009:16) note, Screening methods are often chosen by field operators for rapid and simple measurement of water quality. They are also called alternative methods or emerging tools. There are different types of alternative method such as ready-to-use methods (test kit method), handheld devices (handheld instrument with generally no reagent needed), online sensors (generally in an industrial context) and methods for biological monitoring (such as bio markers, whole-organism tests). To improve the process of monitoring water quality, DEWA has integrated an automated system among its management programs. According to DEWA Company (2009:15), 7-Technologies has entered into agreement with our German system integrator, Cegelec, for the supply of an AQUIS real-time water management system to DEWA in the United Arab Emirates. The AQUIS platform supplied includes all the AQUIS modules: Hydraulic, Water Quality, Surge, Load Forecaster, Leak Detection, GIS and SCADA Interface. The real-time system will provide asset and process performance monitoring and give early warnings of potential operational problems. This will improve planning and design, serviceability, water quality and leakage reduction. For this topic, I choose the automated technique of measuring water quality because it is fast and yields more reliable results. This method makes use of devices capable of sensing the variables under consideration. Since the DEWA Company distributes water for human consumption, it has to ensure that it stores and distributes enough water for the population. DEWA Company (2009:3) DEWA has a policy to maintain bulk storage of potable water equivalent to two days of system peak demand. This implies that it has an extensive reservoir and distribution system, which is not possible to monitor manually on a regular basis. Moreover, the stored water is susceptible to residue of chemical substances such as chlorine and this may affect the quality of water the firm distributes for human consumption. The company therefore requires continually monitoring of the quality of the stored water and the automated technique would be the most appropriate. The technology applicable here would be the online sensing devices that would read the chlorine levels in the tanks as well as the input and output pipes. To monitor water quality in the DEWA Company (2009:5), analyzer stations consisting of transmitters and sensor assemblies for measuring pH, residual chlorine, conductivity and temperature may be installed at specified locations as per DEWAs specifications. The quality of the water that DEWA produces is as follows: DUBAI ELECTRICITY WATER AUTHORITY TRANSMISSION DISTRIBUTION: WATER DIVISION OPERATION DEPT. LABORATORY TYPICAL RANGE OF COMPOSITION OF DEWA WATER ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY 250-800 MICROMHOS/CM pH 7.5-8.5 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 125.0-400.0 Mg/l CHLORIDE AS CI Mg/l BICARBONATE AS HCO3 50.0-75.0 Mg/l SULPHATE AS SO4 Mg/l NITRATE Mg/l CALCIUM AS Ca 15.0-25.0 Mg/l TOTAL HARDNESS AS CaCO3 50.0-120.0 Mg/l MAGNESIUM AS Mg 2.0-20.0 Mg/l SODIUM AS Na Mg/l FLUORIDE AS F NIL TASTE, COLOUR AND ODOUR UNOBJECTION-ABLE COLIFORM BACTERIA NIL The above table incorporates variables of assessing quality of water from a chemical, physical and biological perspective. From the data, it appears that the DEWA Company produces relatively high quality water. This is because, according to the above table, the water is free from any taste, smell and has no color and is therefore transparent. In addition, it is free from contamination by coliform bacterial organisms, meaning the water has no faecal pollution. However, there is no fluoride present in the water meaning that it is likely to cause dental problems in the consuming population. As the World Health Organization (1958:28-29) notes, If the fluoride concentration in the drinking-water of a community is less than 0.5 mg/l, a high incidence of dental caries is likely to occur. To prevent the development of dental caries in children, a number of communal water-supplies are fluoridated to bring the fluorine concentration to 1.0 mg/l. Moreover, the water is safe for consumption because its nitrate levels do not exceed the World Health Organization directives of 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l. The water pH does not raise concerns since the levels of alkalinity and acidity of the water are within the accepted range. It is therefore possible that there are few land use activities in the areas from which the company sources its water. Consequently, fewer chemical substances such as fertilizers and pesticides wash off into the water sources. In addition, the amount of chloride is also on the lower end of the permissible range, which means that salinity of the water is low. However, the amount of dissolved matter is less than the permissible level therefore the water density is low, but on the other hand, this means that the salinity levels are low. The magnesium, calcium and sulphate contents are also lower than the acceptable minimum, which means that though the water lacks essential components, it has low salinity levels. According to the above table, the water from the DEWA Company is relatively good for consumption because it does not contain toxic substances such as lead or cyanide. The presence of nitrates in the water that the firm supplies is likely to be due to the discharge of treated sewage water while that of sodium is due to the use of this compound to clear chlorine residue. On the other hand, the absence of fluoride in the water may be due to changes in climate in the areas where the company sources its water. The high potential of the water to conduct electricity may be due to the presence of radioactive matter. This is also evident in the presence of hydrocarbons in the water. The salinity of the water is low meaning that there is a higher amount of freshwater than salty water entering into contact with the sources of the DEWA water. Since the amount of dissolved solids in the water is less than 1000mg/l, it appears then that the DEWA water is fresh. It appears that the water is soft because the levels of magnesium and calcium are low. Moreover, the amount of solids dissolved in the water is low indicating that the saline content is also low. According to Statgraphics (2006:1), An important technique used to determine how well a process meets a set of specification limits is called a process capability analysis. A capability analysis is based on a sample of data taken from a process and usually produces: an estimate of the DPMO (defects per million opportunities), one or more capability indices and an estimate of the Sigma Quality Level at which the process operates. From the above table, it appears that the water quality management process at the DEWA Company is capable of meeting the needs of the population. In addition, it appears that the company is capable of providing good quality water for human consumption to its consumers. The strengths of the system include its ability to lower the saline content and the amount of dissolved solids therefore producing water that is fresh. Furthermore, the water does not contain toxic substances such as cyanide, lead, among others, and this implies that it is fit for human consumption. Moreover, there is a balance between the water acid and alkaline levels as the pH is within the acceptable range. The nitrate levels are also within the acceptable range and therefore do not pose a threat to human health. In addition, the water is soft rather than hard due to reduction of magnesium and calcium elements. Another strong point is that the management system has preserved the waters aesthetic quality since there is no odor, color and taste present. Moreover, the water is free from faecal pollution as there is no contamination by bacterial organisms of the coliform nature. According to DEWA Company (2009:7), DEWAs water system consists of a transmission network where pipe diameters range from 550 mm to 1200 mm, and distribution network where pipe diameters range from 100 mm to 450 mm. This means that the company is able to transmit and distribute large amounts of water at any given time due to the large capacity and volume of its transmission system. On the other hand, the water production system has fewer defects than the strengths listed above. The defects include production of water with no fluoride element, which can lead to tooth decay. In addition, the electrical conductivity of the water is very high indicating the possibility of contamination with radioactive matter. However, the strengths of the system of water production outweigh its weaknesses. The indicators of the systems capability to produce good quality water are the variables that the company uses to measure the quality of water. These include lack of taste, smell, color, coliform bacterial organisms that are indicative of faecal pollution, few nitrate, calcium and magnesium contents that are an indication of low salinity levels, normal alkaline and acidity levels, a low amount of dissolved solids and the absence of poisonous substances such as lead and cyanide. In conclusion, it appears then that the company is capable of producing good quality water for the con suming population. Consequently, we can also say that the management system of the DEWA Company in relation to the production and supply of water is one that is effective in terms of ensuring good quality water.
Monday, January 20, 2020
HBM: A Dietary Supplement for Building Muscle :: Health Nutrition Papers
HBM: A Dietary Supplement for Building Muscle Three major companies (Twinlab, MetRx, and EAS) currently market the nutritional supplement HMB, or beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (http://www.sports-nutrition.org/mesomorphosis/3022645.html). HMB has been highly acclaimed since itââ¬â¢s recent market debut by EAS (http://www.eas.com/research/hmb/mindex.html). Many critics have compared it to the wonder-product Creatine Monohydrate. Such a comparison undoubtedly harbors both positive and negative aspects. But nevertheless, HMB products continue to thrive in nutritional stores worldwide. I. What is HMB? "HMB (hydroxy-methylbutraye) is a metabolite of the amino acid Leucine and is produced naturally by the human body. HMB is produced from a metabolite of leucine, called ketoisocaproate (KIC), by the enzyme KIC-dioxygenase. And, at least in the pig, HMB is produced exclusively from leucine"(Nissen p.2095). II. How does HMB work? Steven Nissen and his colleagues have performed the only study to date of HMB on humans. The researchers agree that the mechanism by which HMB impacts muscle proteolysis and function is not currently known. Nevertheless there are a number of postulations. "The high substrate concentration required by the dioxygenase enzyme compared with the liver concentration of KIC suggests that HMB production in the body may be a first-order reaction controlled by enzyme and KIC concentrations. It has been calculated that, under normal conditions, about 5% of leucine oxidation proceeds via this pathway. Therefore, if humans are assumed to have enzyme actions similar to those seen in pigs, a 70-kg human would produce from .2 to .4 g HMB/day depending on the level of dietary leucine. At leucine intakes of 20-50 g/day (which are used therapeutically), the concentrations of leucine and KIC in the liver increase and could result in HMB production reaching gram quantities per day"(Nissen p.2095). Some s tudies involving HMB supplementation to the diet of steers and pigs have been shown to improve caracass quality. Based on these findings, it has been hypothesized that supplementing the diet with HMB may inhibit protein degradation during periods of increased proteolysis such as resistance training. III. What are the Claims? The three companies that currently market the product recommend 1.5-3.0 grams of HMB/day as a dietary supplement. Although the science behind the productââ¬â¢s effectiveness is rather unclear, all three companies show few distinctions between dosages and manufacturing. Most people who have noticed the product often see HMB advertised as a protein breakdown suppressor. Researchers claim that such an advantage actually enhances the gains in muscle strength and lean mass associated with resistance training.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Indentured Servants Vis-a-Vis Slaves
a)à à à à à INDENTURED SERVANTS Landless Europeans agreed to work under a form of contract labor for several years to pay off travel costs. During that time (indentured period) they received no compensation but food, room, and clothing were provided. The Masters could administer punishment and otherwise abuse to them, similar to the ownersââ¬â¢ treatment of their slaves. The servants lack full political and civil rights. The indenture servant can sue when planters failed to fulfill their parts of the bargain. Servants who completed their years of labor became free and most indentured servants became landowners. )à à à à à SLAVES The Slaves on the other hand was forced to work, threatened of physical punishment, and little freedom. Slaves were bought and sold like commodities; therefore they are personal property of the owner. The slaves have no civil rights at all. Slaves can not sue their owners, slaves punishments were severe from whipping, hanging or by be ing burned alive. Slaves as part of their ownersââ¬â¢ personal property have no labor contracts; they can not make demands upon their owners for humane treatment, justice, and even land. Source: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Indentured_servant CHAPTER 1 1. ?In thirty-three days I passed over to the Indies with the fleet which the most illustrious King and Queen. . . gave me; where I found very many islands peopled with inhabitants beyond number. And, of them all, I have taken possession for their Highnesses. . . To the first which I found, I gave the name San Salvador . . .? The author of this statement was E) Christopher Columbus 2. The map, ? Voyages of Discovery,? depicts the circumnavigation of the world in 1519-1521 by D) Magellan and del Cano. 3) In ? Debating the Past: How Many Indians Perished with European Settlement your text concludes that C) millions of Indians probably died, although no numerical estimates are reliable. 4) According to your text, the organizing force in the effort to found English colonies came from D) merchant capitalists. 5) The Pilgrims left England primarily because they B) believed the Church of England was too corrupt to save. 6) Many Puritans left England around 1630 to settle in Massachusetts Bay because B)à Anglican cleric William Laud was removing ministers with Puritan sympathies and tightening his centralized control of the church. 7) ? The blood of so many hundred thousand souls of Protestants and Papists, spilled in the wars of present and former ages, for their respective consciences, is not required nor accepted by Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. . . An enforced uniformity of religion throughout a nation. . . denies the principles of Christianity. . . .? The author of these statements was D) Roger Williams. ) She was banished from Massachusetts for claiming that she regularly received divine insights. E) Anne Hutchinson 9) ? Our first concern was to keep up and maintain our religious worship. . . And, . . . we have nothing but love and good will in our hearts, one to another. . . And as our worthy Proprietor treated the Indians with extraordinary humanity, they became very civil and loving to us. . .? The colony described above was E) Pennsylvania 10) According to your t ext, the cultural chasm between Europeans and Indians was most evident in the area of D) warfare because Europeans fought in large groups to destroy their enemies, whereas Indians fought more often to display their courage or avenge a wrong. CHAPTER 2 11) According to your text, the answer to the question, ? What is an American is that Americans E) have an identity deeply rooted in their history, but still incomplete and evolving. 12) According to your text, white women in the colonial Chesapeake region D) found it easy to remarry if they were widowed. 13) The ? headright? was commonly used in the southern colonies and some of the middle colonies to C) award tracts of land to new arrivals in the colonies. 14) The most accurate statement about tobacco during the seventeenth century is that it B) grew on semicleared land, but required a lot of human labor. 15) The main supporters of Virginia? s royal governor, Sir William Berkeley, during Bacon? s Rebellion were the B) well-established, powerful planters. 16) Which statement about black resistance to slavery is true? D) Whites wildly exaggerated the danger of slave rebellions, depicting blacks as savage beasts. 7) Compared to the early colonists in the Chesapeake , those in colonial New England had B) a far healthier habitat. 18) The main evidence presented against the accused witches in Salem Village was the D) raving testimony of young girls. 19) Because of their ethnic and religious heterogeneity, the colonies which possessed traits that later would be seen as distinctly ? American? were B) the Middle Colonies. 20) Both Leisler? s Rebellion and the ? Paxton Boys? uprising D) ca used violent, long-term civil wars in their respective colonies.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Overview of Population Growth Rates
The rate of national population growth is expressed as a percentage for each country, commonly between about 0.1% and 3% annually. Natural Growth vs. Overall Growth Youll find two percentages associated with population - natural growth and overall growth. Natural growth represents the births and deaths in a countrys population and does not take into account migration. The overall growth rate takes migration into account. For example, Canadas natural growth rate is 0.3% while its overall growth rate is 0.9%, due to Canadas open immigration policies. In the U.S., the natural growth rate is 0.6% and overall growth is 0.9%. The growth rate of a country provides demographers and geographers with a good contemporary variable for current growth and for comparison between countries or regions. For most purposes, the overall growth rate is more frequently utilized. Doubling Time The growth rate can be used to determine a country or regions -- or even the planets -- doubling time, which tells us how long it will take for that areas current population to double. This length of time is determined by dividing the growth rate into 70. The number 70 comes from the natural log of 2, which is .70. Given Canadas overall growth of 0.9% in the year 2006, we divide 70 by .9 (from the 0.9%) and yield a value of 77.7 years. Thus, in 2083, if the current rate of growth remains constant, Canadas population will double from its current 33 million to 66 million. However, if we look at the U.S. Census Bureaus International Data Base Summary Demographic Data for Canada, we see that Canadas overall growth rate is expected to decline to 0.6% by 2025. With a growth rate of 0.6% in 2025, Canadas population would take about 117 years to double (70 / 0.6 116.666). The Worlds Growth Rate The worlds current (overall as well as natural) growth rate is about 1.14%, representing a doubling time of 61 years. We can expect the worlds population of 6.5 billion to become 13 billion by 2067 if current growth continues. The worlds growth rate peaked in the 1960s at 2% and a doubling time of 35 years. Negative Growth Rates Most European countries have low growth rates. In the United Kingdom, the rate is 0.2%, in Germany, its 0.0%, and in France, 0.4%. Germanys zero rate of growth includes a natural increase of -0.2%. Without immigration, Germany would be shrinking, like the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic and some other European countries growth rate is actually negative (on average, women in the Czech Republic give birth to 1.2 children, which is below the 2.1 needed to yield zero population growth). The Czech Republics natural growth rate of -0.1 cannot be used to determine doubling time because the population is actually shrinking in size. High Growth Rates Many Asian and African countries have high growth rates. Afghanistan has a current growth rate of 4.8%, representing a doubling time of 14.5 years. If Afghanistans growth rate remains the same (which is very unlikely and the countrys projected growth rate for 2025 is a mere 2.3%), then the population of 30 million would become 60 million in 2020, 120 million in 2035, 280 million in 2049, 560 million in 2064, and 1.12 billion in 2078! This is a ridiculous expectation. As you can see, population growth percentages is better utilized for short term projections. Increased population growth generally represents problems for a country - it means increased need for food, infrastructure, and services. These are expenses that most high-growth countries have little ability to provide today, let alone if the population rises dramatically.
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